Plants Delight Collection

considered the oldest medicine ever, discovered thousands of years
ago, they were the basic materials for the first remedies.
The Plants Delight collection is a symbol of liveliness.

Arnica - with bright yellow, spicy scented flowers, medicinal plant well known for anti-inflammatory properties.
Valerian - in ancient Greece it was considered a panacea, has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.
Hazelnut - Small power-food, nutritious and tasty remedy.
Blueberries - grows on heaths, and moors and in shady forests. Blue, round, juicy and tasty. High in nutrients and antioxidants also a medicinal plant.
Elder - Elder flowers are used to help in colds and fever. Mythological meaning: the elder bush in front of houses and barns should keep lightning and witches away.
Lavender - well-known medicinal plant for relaxing and letting go. Lavender oil has a calming effect and can improve sleep.
Basswood - "the village Basswood" (placed in the center of a village) was a symbol of peace, loyalty and justice. Under the linden tree, lovers swore eternal loyalty.
Marigold - promotes wound healing and is well known for the anti-inflammatory effect. The yellow flowers are symbolically related to the sun; at sunrise the plant opens its flowers and at sunset they close.